P ROVERBS 26:11 'As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.' (KJV) 11 PETER 2:21 'For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them'(KJV) There are people who say 'there is no God.' These people are called 'fools' in God's Word. They think that there is no consequence for what they did, or they ignore it.
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Read moreAmerican Legion Greer Post #11 held its monthly meeting on August 15 with 29 members in attendance. Commander Clayton Rados thanked the cooks for the delicious meal. We had many guests for this month’s meeting. Legion coaches Matt Slaba and Sam Metzger were in attendance along with team members: Carlin Hopkins, Matt Link, Preston McFayden, Javian Pesicka, Ted Slaba, Frank Soukup, and Tyler Tjeerdsma. The coaches thanked the Legion for sponsoring the team. The young men did their best and had a great time.
Read moreThe Tri-County Right to Life Group met Monday, August 12, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dakota Christian School. There were 12 members present, as well as Representative Marty Overweg. President Dan Hargreaves led the meeting.
Read moreAllroadsleadtoSpringfield, this weekend, August 23-24, as the All-College Pointer Reunion gather to visit with former students, staff, and friends on the south side of the air-conditioned Community Hall (807 8th Street). The board hopes that the alumni have shared this information with other fellow Pointers and friends, who do not receive the PulseII.ThePointernationincludes students who attended a year to four years or more, depending on what courses where chosen, plus the staff andsurroundingcommunities who supported the college and museum.
Read moreEducation: Bachelor Degree in Multi-media Design, Dakota State University Share a little bit about yourself: I live in Wagner with my family. I have three daughters that attend WCS. I enjoy spending time with family and watching my kids participate in their activities.
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