The Porch Pot Party at the library was a success! Thank you to Jackie Johnson and LSS and our great instructors from Mensch's: Carol, Mary and Mary. See pictures in the related article in this weeks Wave.
Read moreThe Wagner City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on December 2nd at 6 p.m. at City Hall. There was quite a list of items on the agenda, but only a couple of topics that led the council to discuss. These issues included the first reading of the Ordinance #2024-006 which is the Special Bed, Booze and Ticket Sale Ordinance also known as the BBB tax, the city pool and the search for a new city attorney.
Read moreWagner held its annual Community Thanksgiving at the Wagner Community School cafeteria this past Thursday, November 28th. The meal was cooked at Boom’s, which owner Nick Dion generously supplied for the event. Various community members met at Boom’s to prepare the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, stuffing and coffee. After everything was cooked it was then loaded up and taken to the Wagner Community School. Many generous community members donated their time and talents by cooking, serving, bringing desserts, etc. to make this event happen smoothly. Leaders of this year’s Thanksgiving dinner were Margaret Doom and Scott Alderink. They along with Booms and WCS were instrumental in making this event such a success. Volunteers served more community members than last year, with an estimate of more than 100 people served. There was also bread, buns and pastries provided by Panera Bread and Hyvee for both the dinner and for attendees to take home. Volunteers also made sure that the men and women who were on duty and not able to celebrate with their families or attend the event were able to have a nice Thanksgiving meal. A new addition to this year’s meal was Wagner’s Young Adult Life Group had gathered blankets, hats, coats and gloves to be distributed to anyone in need at the event. There are plans to do a blanket/hat/ coat/glove drive again before Christmas, with the donations to be available at Christmas time. Funding for the annual Community Thanksgiving is given by an anonymous donor.
Read moreOn November 27th, 2024, the beautiful fall weather took a turn towards winter. The Wagner Rotary convened with a few absences as the fire siren blew about 11:30 and there were other absences as well. It turned out to be a relaxing meeting as we cruised right through the agenda. President Weber gave a blessing for the food and asked for guidance for all Rotarians to give generously of our time and talents in our Wagner Community.
Read moreAt the November 21st meetings of both the Wagner American Legion Greer Post #11 and the Wagner American Legion Auxiliary Greer Unit #11 years of continuous membership milestones were awarded.
Read moreWagner Cancer Walk and Rummage President, Arlis Kafka, was presented with an $800 donation from the Wagner American Legion Auxiliary President, Alyssa Mathis. During the 2024 Wagner Cancer Rummage, the Wagner American Legion Auxiliary had a concession stand for both the volunteers to be able to have lunch/supper as well as anyone at the rummage or in the community. The donation was from the proceeds of the Auxiliary’s concession stand. The Auxiliary is hoping to make this an annual occasion in order to be able to help and donate more to this wonderful community organization.
Read moreAmerican Legion Greer Post #11 held its monthly meeting on November 21, with 37 members in attendance. Chaplain Don Kotab gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion was recited by all members. Commander Rados then called the meeting to order.
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