The new September/October issue of South Dakota Magazine includes a story about our continental divide, auniqueareainthefarnortheastern cornerofthestatethat separates two watersheds. Water on the north side of the line flows to Hudson Bay, while water to the south travels to the Gulf of Mexico. It is one of five such divides in the United States, and happens to run between Lake Traverse and Big Stone Lake, one of the lowest spots in South Dakota at 977 feet.
Read moreBlood donors save lives - each donation can help up to three hospital patients in their critical time of need.
Read moreTrue food allergic reactions cause anaphylaxis. Eating even a tiny bit of the allergenic food causes the patient to quickly develop symptoms that can include shortness of breath, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, throat swelling, passing out, and at times it can be fatal. The patient makes IgE allergy antibody to the food. The cause of the reactions can be determinedbythehistoryandconfirmedbyallergy skin or blood testing.
Read morePastor/Founder of the Grace Baptist Church, Lake Andes since 1988
Read moreYears ago, I lost a dear friend of mine to suicide, and it was fundamentally life changing for me. After that incident, I remember thinking, “I should have done something. I should have said something.” I replayed every interaction I had with them over and over again.
Read moreThe days are getting shorter. Families are already checking back-to-school shopping lists. And did I see an aisle of Christmas lights at Menards last weekend? No, that must have been a nightmare. Still, it seems summer is quickly slipping away, so let’s get outside and enjoy the great South Dakota outdoors while we can. Here are a few ideas, gleaned from our March/April 2023 South Dakota Magazine feature on outdoor adventures and selected with late summer in mind.
Read moreTaxes Last Saturday was a special night in Avon. The local Volunteer Fire Department had their yearly supper and entertainment. Iwasremindedonceagain how fortunate we are to have manyvolunteerswhoarewilling toprotectourcommunity.When wepayourtaxesasmallamount goes to the fire department. We all pay the same Mill levy which is very fair. There is at least one exception, the Wind Farm north of Avon. Most people don't know theydonotpaytaxeslikeyouand I.Policymakershavegiventhem veryspecialtreatment.Lastyear it was in the Clarion, Prevailing Winds gave a small amount to the fire department. Using the building permit number times Mill levy they should be paying our fire department thirty eight thousand per year to be fair to the taxpayers in the district. They get the same treatment but contribute very little if any. This is a perfect example of the rich get richer at the expense of others.
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